Trees are blooming all over the city. The cherry blossom viewing season is a short one and I really do want to go out and take pictures before the flowers fall. I had plans to do this yesterday, but it was raining. I don’t have the equipment to take pictures in the rain so I stayed indoors hoping that the weather would improve. Today it looks much improved and I set out this morning with great plans to walk to the Sky Tree. But I made a mistake. I only checked the weather on one weather site. This has happened to me a couple of times this year. I check the weather, dress accordingly, only to find the the place I checked has managed to be out by about 10 C. Today I dressed for weather of 14 C only to walk into cold winds and weather around 7 C. Cherry blossoms are beautiful but it was hard to think past the cold. I should have come home and got changed right away, but I optimistically thought that I would warm up. I did take some pictures, and I will try again later on in the week.
The city is also full of pollen. I feel like I have a mild cold when I go outside, and I have had a few problems with coughing. I have not yet felt the need to wear masks like so many people in the city. I have also not used the pollen removing room at the entrance to this building. It’s a small room with pipes that blow air at you in order to remove the pollen from your hair and clothes. I really should go in at least once, just to try it out, but it seems so odd to me.

Cherry Blossoms
March 23rd, 2013 at 2:32 pm
Congrats on passing *all* your exams. That’s brilliant news.
March 23rd, 2013 at 3:20 pm
Thanks! I feel odd being back at school. I still get stressed about exams.