In the U.K. when you are ill you go to see general practitioner (GP). It’s the GP who decides if you need to see a specialist. But in Japan they don’t seem to have GPs. I wanted to talk to a doctor last week about multiple things, but I couldn’t do that. I had to pick one of the things and see someone about that. I went for the joint pain as it’s keeping me awake at night. The receptionist said, “you wish to see an orthopedics specialist”? And I looked blanked while I tried to remember what orthopedics is. I did eventually remember but would not have remembered the word myself if someone hadn’t suggested it.
I saw the orthopedics doctor and was sent for blood tests and x-rays. I am still amazed that I can have x-rays done right away and sit down five minutes later and talk to the doctor about them. The x-rays didn’t show anything out of the ordinary and I was told that the results of my blood tests would take a week. I went today to get the results. They weren’t very interesting. They show that I am sick. But I knew that already, it’s one of the reasons I went to the doctor. It doesn’t give any indication as to why I have joint pains, but it does at least rule out rheumatoid arthritis.
As well as not being able to see a GP I also can’t get re-fill prescriptions. I find this incredibly annoying. It means that I have to go and see a dermatologist once a month if I want to have feet that don’t bleed. I tried to see the dermatologist today but, unfortunately, they don’t work on the same day as orthopedics. It would be easier if they were closer, the surgery is about an hour away, but it’s my limited Japanese that means I have to travel so far.
I’m not overly happy. I left the doctors today feeling sick, with blood tests to back that up, but with no actual cure. I need to go back and see someone in internal medicine. I also need to see a dermatologist. But first, I need to go the thyroid hospital, as I’m due another set of blood tests. This is not going to be a fun week.
February 28th, 2010 at 2:04 pm
One of my friends who goes to college in Hawaii is very upset that the waves will be so small, and that she won’t be able to see the water sucked out of the bays just before the waves hit. Bizarre. I’m glad you’re not in danger.
March 1st, 2010 at 5:55 am
Tsunami can be incredibly destructive and I’m glad that the closest I got was watching it on the T.V.
Some of my family think I’m mad living in country prone to natural disasters. I pointed out that they live in a country prone to terrorists. The world is just mad.