
New World View

Roppongi Nights

The view from the balcony of the apartment we are currently living in.

4 Responses to “New World View”

  1. Stray Taoist Says:

    wow. 🙂

    T’amuse bien!

    (You should get a flickr account of something, too.)

  2. karen Says:

    I probably should get a flickr account. It’s just that it takes me ages to start using any new technology 🙂

  3. Ciarán Says:

    こんにちは。like ur view it looks cool. My Japanese friend here says it looks like ur in the ropongi hills is she right? I actually wanted her to write this in japanese but shes gone to cuba instead. all is good here in south america its been quite eventful but we’re really enjoying it. Check out our blog.
    regardin teachers karen – ive had four language teachers in the past 2 months, they recommend here you keep changing so you hear different accents and styles. Most girls in the school prefer male teachers personally though I like the teachers that are interesting and I can have social conversations with otherwise the classes really drag out
    take it easy, ではまた。

  4. karen Says:

    Your Japanese friend is correct – we are currently living in Roppongi Hills 🙂

    I’m glad to hear that things are going well for you.

    I will probably stick with female language teachers in Japan because there are differences in the language depending on whether you are male or female.