Difficult Music
I’ve spent the weekend running vocal rehearsals for TIP’s upcoming production of Sweeney Todd. Although I had listened to many different recordings of this musical there are still songs that I’m not overly familiar with. “The Letter”, sung by the Quintet, is really beautiful and I wish that is was heard more. And even the songs I know well are difficult because of the discordant harmonies and contrapuntal phrases.
I both love and hate the complexity of the musical. It is difficult to teach and at times I feel that it is overly precise. The are places where each bar of music is in a different time signature and I would have preferred if some of this expressive writing could have been left for the performer to interpret. And then there are the are the places where each part has a different time signature for the same bar… I had never seen that before in a score.

My Latest Musical Challenge
July 18th, 2017 at 8:54 am
GOOD GRIEF! That is just impossible! They say there’s a fine line between genius and insanity – looking at that bar, I’d believe it!
July 23rd, 2017 at 10:13 am
I did joke that I was going to count it in a long 1. It’s really hard to break something into 6 and then 5… will be quite the challenge, and is certainly insane.