
Baby It's Cold Inside...

The apartment is freezing. After months of moaning about the heat and the humidity in the summer now it’s time to complain about the cold. I don’t really like central heating but tonight I’m thinking that maybe it would be nice for the bathroom or the kitchen to be warmer. We have one electric heater on in the living room and it doesn’t seem to be making a lot of difference. I suppose I could put my coat back on.

I know it’s not warmer outside as we went out at stood on the balcony at midnight to hear the gong ring 108 times for the start of the New Year at the local Buddhist Temple.

Happy New Year!

3 Responses to “Baby It’s Cold Inside…”

  1. Jessica Marie Says:

    We got your Christmas card today, thank you so much! Cho(sp?) kawaii. Happy New Year!

  2. karen Says:

    Glad you got the card. I am surprised that it took so long to arrive. Not sure which batch I posted it in but the last batch of cards was sent on the 2nd December!

  3. Khaos » Blog Archive » December Home Says:

    […] I have lived in a different place.  I also realised that this apartment is not cold unlike our last one.  The new apartment actually has air conditioners / heaters that work as they are supposed to.  […]