
Perl Whirl - Day 3 (Tuesday 12th October)

Marty was speaking in the afternoon at the same time as Dave. This seemed a bit strange to me as they both seemed to be speaking on quite similar topics. Dave’s talk was entitled “Idiomatic Perl” and Marty’s “Writing Better Perl”. Looking into this is seems that Marty’s was a more general talk than Dave’s but it would probably have worked better if Dave’s had been after Marty’s.

I spent most of the day looking at my law books. I found it quite difficult to concentrate on the ship. There wasn’t anywhere to work, apart from my room, that wasn’t noisy. They even piped cheesy music into the library! The problem with working in my room is that it had a large bed. I believe Marty returned to the room at one point to find me fast asleep amidst my books.

As Tuesday was a formal evening I spent far too much time getting ready for dinner. I always get quite stressed when I have to make a special effort with clothes and makeup. It’s also really strange playing cards in an evening dress (still possible to win though).