
Weight Watching

Marty and I decided a while back that we should both try to eat more healthily. We are trying really hard but tonight we both have carbohydrate cravings. Marty because he decided to go on the Atkins diet and me because, well I’m female, and I always want to eat chocolate. So I’ve spent all evening working on the conference and trying not to think about chocolate. But since I’m writing this post I have obviously failed!

Stressed Out

I felt so stressed today. Who would have thought that one little conference could be my wafer thin mint? I’ve spent all day working on various conference related issues. By the middle of the afternoon I was thinking why did we ever want to have a conference in Belfast? But I’ve got over it. There are some problems but we do have a great venue, lots of interesting talks and speakers, an excellent group of sponsors and new attendees registering every day.